
The Eastern Shoshone Dictionary was made possible through the invaluable contributions of many individuals over the years. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Eastern Shoshone Language Keepers, Knowledge Holders, silent speakers, language learners, teachers, and those who supported us administratively and behind the scenes. Together, you have created a living document that will preserve and pass down our language to future generations.

We honor the Eastern Shoshone Elders, Ancestors, Language Keepers, Knowledge Holders, and educators who are no longer with us. Their years of dedication to documenting and preserving the Eastern Shoshone language have laid the foundation for this dictionary. We also thank all those involved in language work, past and present, whose contributions are essential and deeply valued.

This dictionary builds on the foundations of previous efforts, including legacy materials from the Eastern Shoshone Cultural Center Topical Dictionary.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many speakers who have shared their knowledge, listed below (in no particular order):

Nathaniel Curtis Barney, Harley Big Knife, Wayland Bonatsie, Darrell Ferris, Mary Jane Goggles, Rose Goggles, George Hardin, Beatrice Haukaas, Florence McLeod, Katherine Shakespeare, Carmen Thomas, Joanna Ina Tillman, Ula Tyler, Nola Weeks, Rose Wadda, and those speakers to have passed on Vivian Armajo, Elaine McLeod, Pansy St. Clair, Ralphaelita Stump, and Mildred Weeks.

The Eastern Shoshone Cultural Center would like to recognize the following people without whom this project would not have been possible:

Eastern Shoshone Business Council: John St. Clair, Mike Ute, John Washakie, Gloria St. Clair, Gus Thayer, Wayland Large and former member Starr Weed, Jr.
Janine Pease (Crow) Native educator extraordinaire.
Andrea Abeyta (Eastern Shoshone) Native education facilitator.
Michael Fitzgerald, benefactor of Native activities.
The late Bryan Hudson (Panamint Shoshone) Linguist, singer, and dear friend.

We also extend our sincere gratitude to the organizations that provided grant funds, whose generous support provided the financial means to complete this project:

Health and Human Services - Administration for Native Americans - ARPA Grant, Wyoming Community Foundation, Wyoming Humanities Council, Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund CrossRoads Grant, Socrates Foundation, Seventh Generation Fund, Social Justice Fund Northwest, First Nations Development Institute, Chief Washakie Foundation, Darwin Ranch

Lastly, we acknowledge the staff at The Language Conservancy. Your expertise, guidance, and support have been instrumental in bringing this dictionary to life.